EmergencyFD Storyline
EmergencyFD Storyline's focus is to tell the stories of those in the fire service and to highlight what matters to our first responders. Whether you are a first responder or a person interested in the world of firefighting, emergency medical services, or first responders, EmergencyFD Storyline's goal is to educate, inform, and inspire you with the work of our modern day heroes. Hear the stories from fire service leaders to the rank-n-file. EmergencyFD creator Tom Mann talks with real people sharing real world stories and perspectives on the job.
EmergencyFD Storyline
Words From The Wise
"WORDS FROM THE WISE": The voice of a firefighter with decades of experience.
Chief John Reagan began his career in the fire service at a time when most firefighters were called leather lungs or smoke eaters. He worked at a time of great change for the fire service.
Despite advances in fire tech, SOPs, apparatus, etc., the job remains the same. It takes a special person to run into danger while others are running out.
Chief John Reagan is one of those individuals .
Now retired, Chief John Reagan shares his stories, experience, and wisdom about firefighting.
"The words from the wise" …… THAT’S OUR STORYLINE
-Tom Mann
Host & Executive Producer
Storylines guests include:
Chief John Reagan- Retired, Memphis Fire Department
Memphis, Tenessee
Special Thanks to:
Justin Cupples, firefighter, Memphis Fire Department
(for sharing the story of his neighbor John Reagan)
Bill Adelman- Photo of John Reagan
(Part of the Adelman's History of the Fire Department)
If you need help, seek out professional help from your fire department or local fire union. There are also resources online such as:
Go to emergencyfd.com for more podcasts.
Email EmergencyFD Storyline: storyline@emergencyfd.com
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